POGO Physio have been users of TrackActive Pro for over 3 years now. TrackActive Pro is our exercise prescription of choice. It's easy to use, cost effective, and fosters improved clinical outcomes. The support desk is very responsive as required, and the addition of new features makes TrackActive Pro an indispensable part of our practice offering. We perform regular telehealth sessions around Australia and worldwide and TrackActive Pro's software makes telehealth exercise prescription possible.
Brad Beer Owner, POGO Physio
Our customers
Our customers include physiotherapists, exercise physiologists, occupational therapists, strength and conditioning coaches, sports physicians, podiatrists, chiropractors and osteopaths.
We also work with institutions, including sporting organisations, universities, pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies.

Patients love the pictures and video links. The app is simple to use and gives patients the confidence they’re doing the exercises correctly. TrackActive Pro allows patients to give feedback on their symptoms after completing their exercise programme. This feedback not only allows you to track the patients compliance and progress, but also lets you adapt the programme if they are having any problems.
Holly McRae Physiotherapist, Ergoworks

I took up TrackActive Pro primarily to assist my efforts in going paperless and incorporating waste consciousness into my work environment. Being a person who uses little technology, I was pleasantly surprised how easy the program is to incorporate into my clinical practise. It is now a regular feature in my exercise prescription.
Rosemary Colliver Occupational Therapist, Specialists on Hand

I highly recommend TrackActive Pro to anyone who wants to give their clinic a professional advantage adjunct to their existing service. As we grew as clinic we wanted an all encompassing exercise prescription software service that was detailed and valuable for the patient but not clunky and cumbersome for the clinician. In my opinion, TrackActive Pro does this better than any other system on the market. TrackActive Pro has a broad database of exercises but also has the option to customise it to your individual style. I also really like the additional options whereby you can monitor the patient's adherence to exercise and collect questionnaire data from the program. I have no doubt that you will love the program as much as our organisation has. Thanks again to Ian and the team at TrackActive for a brilliant platform.
Ben Herde Sports Physiotherapist, Grand Slam Physiotherapy

I had tried many exercise program platforms over the years and had never really been totally satisfied with any of them. Then I discovered TrackActive Pro. Since using it, my patients have continued to be amazed at it’s user-friendly nature, and clear and concise delivery of exercises through videos, pictures and words. It gives your exercise prescription that ‘Wow Factor’ and puts you miles ahead of other clinics without it. It also solves the biggest two problems patients have with doing their home exercises 1. remembering to do them. and 2. remembering how to do them. I haven’t looked back, and am excited about what else TrackActive Pro will do in the future.
Scott Murray Physiotherapist, Whole Health Physiotherapy & A Fine Balance Physiotherapy

TrackActive Pro has provided our students with a professional platform to engage with their exercise prescription and programming. The program has such great functionality that it allows the students to concentrate on developing their skills rather than wrestling with technology and formatting. Clients loved the programs and it made the semester much easier to manage than usual! Having both ready-made evidence-based exercises and an easy way to create additional exercises saved time, and most importantly decreased the stress levels of teaching staff and students.
Dr Emma Beckman Lecturer in Exercise Science, School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences, The University of Queensland

As a clinician I find TrackActive Pro is very easy to use with an extensive set of exercises with excellent descriptions. It also allows you to change the description of your exercises to fit your individual patients. It is also a very simple process of inserting an exercise into the program that isn't already there.
Kim Williams Physiotherapist, Construct Health

TrackActive Pro is an invaluable tool for my business. The comprehensive range of exercises with easy to follow instructions and email capabilities enables me to guide my patients towards recovery – even remotely …and removes the need to draw stick-figure exercise instructions!
Rachel Poninghaus Occupational Health Physiotherapist and Registered Nurse, Remedy

TrackActive Pro is the essential exercise prescription app for health professionals. Our priority is staying engaged with our clients and exercise prescription being fast and effective. What’s more it saves us time and our patients love it. TrackActive Pro is fast, effective, customisable and professional. It enables us to elevate our service to the next level, without adding work to our schedule. The future of exercise prescription.
Justin Johnson Physiotherapist / Acc. Exercise Physiologist, PhyzX

I am a physio who started using TrackActive Pro for prescription of exercises for all my clients recently. I am highly impressed with the capabilities of the program; very user friendly and efficient in creating quality and professional programs. I feel the accuracy and productivity of my clients compliance to their strength and conditioning programs has improved dramatically now I can deliver a concise method of exercise prescription.
Angela Hubbard APA Physiotherapist / Clinical Pilates, PhyzX
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Discover what TrackActive Pro can do for you and your patients with a no risk, 30 day, free trial.